for Over 50 Years
Minor & Jester Attorneys Honored to Volunteer at “You’re Beautiful!” Luncheon

Minor & Jester, P.C. attorneys, Tom Jester, Jill Jester, and Chris Henry, were honored to be involved in the American Cancer Society’s 2014 You’re Beautiful! Style Show and Luncheon today. Jill served as the emcee of the event, Tom was a model in the fashion show, Chris was a “celebrity” concierge, and Margo served on the reservations committee.
You’re Beautiful! began in 2004 to celebrate cancer survivors, remember and honor those who have battled cancer, and to raise funds for cancer research and provide Denton county cancer patient services. The You’re Beautiful! event is a style show and luncheon which features cancer survivors from the Denton Area as the models for this inspiring show. As of 2012, You’re Beautiful! has raised a net total of more than $360,000 for the American Cancer Society.